Wednesday 29 April 2009

How Europe can save the world


The European Union is looking to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. However the European Union plans to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide by 20% by 2020, and consider the renewable resources like water, air and tidal power.
After 2010 every new power station should have carbon capture storage technology. This will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. On the other hand there are problems with the renewable resources, like it is expensive and not all the countries can afford it. Some countries like France are using nuclear power which uses less carbon dioxide.

Main idea

The European Union countries have to work together in order to keep the life good for European countries. The European Union has to work hard to reach its goal to reduce global greenhouse gases. The EU committed to use more renewable resources like water, air and tidal power.


I think that the topic is important because it talks about our planet and how the countries work with each other to reduce pollution. However if all countries in the world meet together and discuss the issue it will be better because other countries like USA, India and China also have an impact on our planet. As a result all countries could understand each other and look for the solution.

Natural Residents

Part 1
The summary:

There is a place in Sweden called Turning Torso. This place is located in the vicinity of the green area and beautiful nature. Not just people live there, but there are lots of living organisms such as birds, insects, bats and sedum-covered roofs. Malmo city is one of the examples of developments designed to promote sustainable urban living. There are 1300 apartments in the first phase called Bo01. These apartments create new ways of renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable transport.
Annika Kruuse who was employed as Area Ecologist to monitor progress of Bo01 explains how they manage the place for animals which live there. She says that there are some species which have moved to the Western Harbour. Some seabirds have moved to Bo01 such as blackbird, white wagtail and the common gull.
The developers are planning to build two more development phases like the Bo01. The developers say this will attract people to buy these departments. As a result people will be more aware of green credentials. It is important to encourage our children to live in houses designed to promote sustainability and biodiversity. Malmo is a great example of how to keep the natural life and it is a first step towards incorporating biodiversity as standard in town planning.

Part 2
Main idea:

People should think about the environment and be more aware. There are a lot of efforts to build and maintain the rights of nature, and care more about the plants and green areas because the plants are an important part in our lives. We have to educate our children to love nature and animals, and we must think about the future.

Part 3

* I think this article is important and useful because it is connected with our lives and environment.
* We have to encourage the developments like Turning Torso in Sweden and Malmo because it will help our planet to face the changes in the world.
* I suggest other countries in the world should follow projects like Turning Torso in Sweden and Malmo to keep our environment green and beautiful.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Carbon foot print ( Task 5 )

I measured my footprint at and it was 3.10.
Most of the class students have almost the same footprint numbers. The average footprint numbers for CRE was nearly 3.66. Modeled on the three most important due to me is stuff by 32%, travel 26% and home 23%.
A carbon footprint is the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. The statistics show that the UAE has the highest footprint per capita.

What can I do to reduce my carbon footprint?

Stuff is the biggest contributor to my footprint. However I don’t think that I really spend a lot on stuff. I bought a washing machine but I can’t live without washing my clothes! Talking about the transportation, I drive my own car to move from one place to another. In addition it takes me 10 minutes to reach college and I don’t think that it would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases even if I used public transportation like buses and trains. One idea to reduce greenhouse gases is to provide buses for employees who work in the same place. As a result it will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases.

About travel; I travel every three years to eastern Asia and sometimes I travel every two years it depends on the situation and work.

I live in semi-detached villa in Abu Dhabi. However the next door to us is very noisy people. This is one thing related to pollution.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Review of An Inconvenient Truth ( Task 4 )

(Positive point)
says that:
* Such a film has never been made before and it talks about the danger of climate changes.
* The film is not about Al Gore, but it considers the climate changes and global warming.
* The photographs of temperature increase and the rate of carbon-dioxide emissions were horrible and shocking.
* The ice melting images and the expected water increases in the coastal areas is a worrying matter.

(Negative point)
Tony Medley,
says that:
* The film is totally rubbish science and Al Gore is trying to be a responsible man towards the climate changes.
* Al Gore in this film is very kind, has lots of knowledge and gets respect from the audience. However in 2000 Al Gore was angry and not kind.
* There is no proof that man is actively causing global warming.
* The film talks about Gore’s personal life and it is not connected with the subject of the film.

I agree with Scott that such a film has never been made before and it talks about the danger of climate changes because it is the first film I have seen which talks about the global warming. The film focuses on the climate changes in the world. However I disagree with Tony Medley that the film is rubbish science because the film shows the reality of the climate changes around the world. In addition the climate has changed in many countries around the world.