Wednesday 22 April 2009

Carbon foot print ( Task 5 )

I measured my footprint at and it was 3.10.
Most of the class students have almost the same footprint numbers. The average footprint numbers for CRE was nearly 3.66. Modeled on the three most important due to me is stuff by 32%, travel 26% and home 23%.
A carbon footprint is the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. The statistics show that the UAE has the highest footprint per capita.

What can I do to reduce my carbon footprint?

Stuff is the biggest contributor to my footprint. However I don’t think that I really spend a lot on stuff. I bought a washing machine but I can’t live without washing my clothes! Talking about the transportation, I drive my own car to move from one place to another. In addition it takes me 10 minutes to reach college and I don’t think that it would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases even if I used public transportation like buses and trains. One idea to reduce greenhouse gases is to provide buses for employees who work in the same place. As a result it will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases.

About travel; I travel every three years to eastern Asia and sometimes I travel every two years it depends on the situation and work.

I live in semi-detached villa in Abu Dhabi. However the next door to us is very noisy people. This is one thing related to pollution.

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